Posted March. 23, 2005 22:29,
The Korea National Statistical Office (KNSO) has decided to revise the multifaceted evaluation system which the participatory government has supported.
Given the continuing controversies over the system, the decision by the KNSO is expected to affect other institutions. A total of 51 ministries and government institutions have adopted the system under the participatory government.
On March 23, the KNSO announced that candidates for promotion will be selected on the basis of work performance, career, and performance in training programs. Among the candidates, only those whose multifaceted evaluation scores fail to meet the standards will be omitted.
The KNSO was the first to announce its plans to revise the system.
The office has reflected multifaceted evaluation scores and work performance in its promotions since it introduced the system in 2003.
When it comes to promotions to the fifth level officials, for example, the multifaceted evaluation score represented only 6.6% of the total score. However, as candidates scores based on other criteria were about the same, the multifaceted evaluation score was a deciding factor for promotion.
The multifaceted evaluation system, an official of HR department in KNSO said, has the adverse effect of encouraging workers to focus more on their personal popularity in the office than on work performance.
Some private companies have adopted the system since the late 1990s. However, recognizing the systems side effects, most of them use the system only for reference material in deciding promotions. The Civil Service Commission said, The government recommended the system in pursuit of government innovation. However, the specific ways to manage the system were left in the institutions hands. Such action by the KNSO is a sign that the system is evolving positively, befitting reality.