Posted June. 16, 2004 21:14,
The event marking the fourth anniversary of the June 15, 2000 North-South Joint Declaration has now ended. It was an occasion which did justice to the changes in North-South relations and which has considerable meaning by itself. However, the remarks and posturing by North Korean delegates showed that there are many barriers between the North and the South to actual improvement in their relations.
All in all, the fact that Ri Jong-hyok, vice chairman of the North`s Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, led the North delegation left much to be desired. He reportedly led the delegation because Kim Yong-soon, the chair, has died, Nevertheless, the North should have sent a figure with more authority if it had valued the implications of the joint declaration. Ri, who is on par with a vice minister in the Souths administrative structure, brought out a notepad and delivered a verbal message from Chairman Kim Jong-il of the Norths National Defense Committee to President Roh Moo-hyun. Is there any protocol like this in other countries?
The remarks made by panelists are still disappointing. When they said intra-national cooperation is the top priority, didnt it amount to a demand for severing the Korea-U.S. alliance based on anti-foreign force ideology? Their demand for the repeal of the National Security Law and the concept of a main enemy in military strategy is a meddling in domestic affairs. The Norths delegates remarks were broadcast live and poured into the Souths living rooms, uninterrupted. When will they stop nagging about the National Security Law? It is just correct that they should first lift a clause on communist reunification from their Korea Workers Party rules.
As for us, we mobilized everyone from the ruling and opposition parties, including former President Kim Dae-jung. President Roh promised a comprehensive and concrete plan for cooperation with the North on the condition that the North will renounce its nuclear ambitions. Some criticized these moves as overreaching. However, the North should have shown a more serious attitude.
Although Chairman Kim said, North-South relations should improve greatly in a message delivered by Ri, a mindset that is considerate of its counterpart is the start of improved North-South relations.