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[Opinion] Late Child

Posted November. 04, 2003 22:48,   


A member of the legendary Beatles, Paul McCartney, 61, just had a baby daughter according to the British press. One can see how delighted he was after hearing him saying, “Too overjoyed and ecstatic” through a spokesperson.

His wife, Heather Mills, 35, was known to have very little chance to conceive after she lost a leg in a car accident during her career as a model. Also, German “Soccer Emperor” Franz Beckenbauer, 58, with four sons was delighted over the recent birth of his daughter with his wife Heidi, 37.

There is a long history of having a child late in the West. In the Old Testament, Abraham had a healthy baby named Isaac at the age of 100. His wife Sarah was 90 years old. He heard from God to sacrifice his precious son that he treasured like a gem. He obeyed and became the “Descendent of Faith,” while also saving his son. In the old days as well as in the present, a late child symbolizes the man’s economic power as well as his sexual one. The kings and people in power could have babies when they are old with young concubines or mistresses. Today’s politicians have also many cases where they have late children. Former President of Argentina Carlos Menem, 72, impregnated his wife who is 35 years younger earlier this year. British Prime Minister Tony Blair, 50, also has a son that he had in his late 40s.

It is the same for the top stars who still are attractive and affluent enough to marry young women even when they become old. Anthony Quinn had a daughter as young as his grand daughter at the age of 81 and surprised his fans. Luciano Pavaroti, 68, had a daughter also as young as his grand daughter with his half-aged lover Mantovani, 34. For women, pop singer Madonna, sexy actresses Kim Basinger, Sharon Stone, Geena Davis, Glenn Close, and others had their babies in their 40s. Jodi Foster and Cindy Crawford with their babies born in their late 30s belong to the ”early babies” group. In order to have late babies, one’s long wish and the mother’s health are what counts the most.

German current affairs weekly magazine “Der Spiegel” analyzes the reasons that celebrities have their babies late in life, saying, “Life’s comfort in their middle age, life’s value that they did not realize when they were younger, evanescence of popularity and fame, and showing off their sexual power are the psychological reasons at the background.” Some experts claim that the late children will be smarter since they get more attention and inherit the parents’ acquired genetic traits. Now they are regarded as the symbol of the couple’s happy union and their health. When I said, “Have a darling late baby child!” as a well-wishing remark, people seemed not to dislike it. What a wonderful time of the year this is to have a late child in the late fall!

Editorial Writer Oh Myong-chul, oscar@donga.com