Posted September. 30, 2003 23:11,
Elle Woods, a blonde beauty who took Harvard Law School by surprise in the first sequel, is now working in Capitol Hill. She is eager to invite her puppy Bruser`s mother to her wedding. The mother dog is found to be kept in a cosmetics company`s laboratory for an animal test. Then, she is up and running again to pass the bill that bans animal tests.
The fashion-obsessed lawyer wears Versace, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada and Anna Sui. Her dresses, in fact, imply what is to come next throughout the movie. When she wear bright, it means things will go just well. When she wears dark, she is about to be betrayed or feel frustrated.
Fashion consultant Song Seo-yun at `First View Korea` explains how the fashion works in movie `Legally Blonde,` set to open on Oct. 2 nationwide.
▽In the First Part
Jackie Style = It implies that the rookie lawyer is about to go through hard times in Washington. She wears a pink suit and a pillbox hat (left) on the first day of her work. Her desire to become one of them is depicted in a rather clumsy way. This fashion imitates Jackline Kenney on the day of her husband`s assassination. `Medium-length sleeves + mini skirt + pillbox hat` was booming in the 1960s, called `Jackie Style.` Jackie used to wear a pillbox hat to cove her rather big head, but it soon became a fashion item.
▽In the Middle
Hippy Style = It symbolizes Elle`s determination to face off the established in Capitol Hill. Rep. Victoria withdraws her support for the bill in a bid to suit fund contributors who are in favor of animal testing. Betrayed by the move, Elle begins to visit each and every lawmaker to get signatures. Then, her fashion turns into a hippy style. She wears a top, jeans, a golden bracelet and a rainbow-color scarf, which symbolizes her will to fight the established. Her long hair reminds people of the mother of American feminist movement Gloria Stainum. Elle mobilizes her high-school cheerleader friends and begin to lobby lawmakers in her own way. As Elle and her friends march on the street with a large banner calling for ban on animal tests, the audience conjures up the image of feminist or anti-war protests in the 1970.
▽In the Latter Part
Mainstream Style with Character = Delivering a touching address in the Capitol Hill, Elle wears a white silk suit with a red top (on the right). This represents her characteristic mainstream style, which is in line with the code of the established. Elle appeal to lawmakers with a moving story based on her own experience, and wins their hearts.