Posted June. 16, 2003 22:03,
President Roh Moo-hyun`s envisioned plan of fostering reformist ideals within government agencies seems to be taking shape. A series of recent government actions, including the Board of Audit and Inspection`s launch of massive performance inspections to establish discipline within government agencies and emerging discussion over placing the head of the National Intelligence Service under the direct leadership of the President, seem to be directly and indirectly related to his remarks.
Although Cheong Wa Dae immediately explained that the President had meant to achieve sweeping reforms of the structure of public officials by allowing for the reform movement to spread to all officialdom, the President has done more than what Cheong Wa Dae implied.
The President in a special lecture to the leadership of the national police criticized the media for trying to place a wedge between the government and the public by putting a negative spin on his remarks. There is mounting speculation however, that the President`s intention is to form an inner circle for public organizations by forcing out those opposed to his regime as well as the government`s reformist agenda. In addition, the mentioning of presidential rights to appoint government officials and launch inspections against governmental agencies as a means of reform within the government has become a major source of anxiety for public officials.
Although previous governments used measures for establishing discipline among public officials under the name of reform, their attempts failed to reap substantial results. This was due in part to intrinsic limits on those measures which heavily relied on reform by outside forces, not voluntarily.
Therefore, it is desirable for the President to thoroughly consider where priorities should be placed to carry out reform which the President said would improve national competitiveness. A majority of Koreans think the President should give priority to the economy first and foremost. Furthermore, most point out that the government`s handling of economic issues has been somewhat problematic thus far.
Mr. Roh should do his utmost to raise morale for government officials who are concerned with their job security due to the government`s reform-oriented personnel management processes. In other words, the government should put full energy to revive the sagging economy and improve the livelihood of ordinary citizens first, then implement its reform agenda later.