Posted January. 05, 2003 22:46,
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) started a full-scale diplomatic negotiation with related countries to the North Korean nuclear problem such as Korea, America, and Japan beginning with the Korean Government`s conveying arbitration for solving the North Korean nuclear problem to America on the 6th.
▽Serious negotiation=The three countries of Korea, America, and Japan will have the TCOG meeting in Washington on the 7th (morning of the 8th in Korean local time).
Prior to that, the Korean Government was known to suggest a arbitration saying, under the condition of North Korea`s discarding the nuclear program, America would secure the North Korean constitution in writing, during conferences between Korea and America, and Korea and Japan, which would be held on the 6th (7th in Korean local time), and to start the negotiation.
The Government held the National Security Council Standing Committee meeting led by the National Unification Minister Jung, Se-Hyun on the 4th (Korean local time) and tuned our standpoint for the last time that we would present at the TCOG. The Government also decided to send the Chief Presidential Secretary for Diplomacy and Security Im, Sung-Joon to America (7th ~ 9th) and Japan (10th ~ 11th).
It was known that the Chief Secretary Im would meet with American officials including the White House Security Advisor Condoliza Rice, explain the arbitration of the North Korean nuclear problem, and hear about American response. America will also send the Assistant Secretary of Defense James Kelly to Korea as a special envoy in the middle of this month, and also send the Assistant Secretary of Defense in Disarmament and Non-Proliferation John Bolton to Korea, Japan, and China to grope for solution of the North Korean nuclear problem.
In the meantime, the Japanese Foreign Minister Kawaguchi Yoriko and the US Secretary of State Collin Powel had a phone talks about the North Korean nuclear problem on the 4th and agreed to press North Korea diplomatically through the TCOG meeting and other ways.
▽IAEA=A news source from the IAEA said on the 4th, The delegations from the 35 board member countries had a preliminary tuning meeting for the resolution at the IAEA Headquarter in Vienna, Austria on the 3rd, and to give time for North Korea to give up the nuclear program, we decided not to put a strong measure such as putting it on the UN Security Council in this resolution. In relation to this, the NBC of America reported that the IAEA decided to give at least a month of grace period.
However, it was known that in the special board meeting on the 6th, which the delegations of the 35 board member countries would participate, the IAEA would highly criticize the North Korea`s violating the Nuclear Safety Agreement, and it would take the resolution that would ask to restore the nuclear facilities in their original state and to accept the IAEA nuclear inspection.
▽America=The US President George W. Bush insisted through his address at the Fort Hood military base in Texas on the 3rd, All countries of the world including allies and friends should make a voice in unison to break the nuclear ambition of North Korea.
The Spokesman of the Department of State Richard Boucher turned down the asking of the North Korean Ambassador in China Choi, Jin-Soo to conclude a nonaggression pact with America and a direct talk by saying, The nonaggression pact is not an issue of the North Korean nuclear problem.