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Green Tea Prevents Low Bone Mineral Density

Posted May. 14, 2002 09:02,   


A research says that habitual consumption of teas like green tea and black tea has beneficial effects on bone mineral density (BDM).

Wu Chih-Hsing professor from National Cheng Kung University of Taiwan wrote for the latest `Internal Medicine Journal` published by American Medical Association (AMA) that the research on the relationship between habitual tea consumption and BMD of the enrolled 497 men and 540 women, 30 years and older, showed such result.

Professor Wu said that subjects with habitual tea consumption showed higher BDM of spine, lumbar spine, and hip neck with highest BDM for the tea drinker with the duration of over 10 years. Professor Wu said that fluoride of green tea or black tea and phyto-estrogen of plants have beneficial effect on BDM.

Sung-Kyu Kim kimsk@donga.com