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President Chavez Resigned

Posted April. 13, 2002 08:53,   


Wall Street Journal reported on the 12th that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez resigned on the 12th and preparing for exile to Cuba.

The paper said, “two Cuban airplanes are standing by at Maiquetia International airport to carry President Chavez and his suite. ”

Previously, Globovision TV reported, “Venezuelan army commander Gen. Efrain Vasquez Velasco and Defense Minister Jose Vicente Rangel visited Miraflores presidential palace at dawn of the 12th demanding President Chavez` resignation taking the blame for the bloodbath affair, and President Chavez resigned. ”

Some daily newspapers including El Universal reported, “President Chavez moved to La Carlota airbase as soon as he declared the resignation. ”

AP reported that the general strike of Venezuelan largest labor union of PDVSA, Venezuelan Workers Confederation and Fedecamaras, Venezuela `s largest business group and tough response of Chavez administration resulted in blood affairs with 13 persons killed and 110 persons wounded.

International oil price is heading upward as world fourth largest oil producer Venezuela fails in oil production and export due to political instability.