Posted April. 01, 2002 08:39,
Crucial situation that can be a turning point for not only Korea but also Korean peninsula is occurring.
In case of Korea, at first, Presidential elections, Local elections, World cup Football,
Asian games, will take place within few months interval and the future of people can be changed following the result of major elections.
In addition, seeing the whole Korean Peninsula, the negotiations between the North-U.S surrounding Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) of the North and the South-North dialogue can also change the fate of Korean people.
Retrospectively, if we look at the comprehensive world situation, international relationship is going towards unlimited competition, confusion and uneasiness.
When cold war between East-West finished in early 1990s all mankind expected `new world order` of reconciliation and cooperation and cooperation on the basis of non ideology- non cold war.
However, as radicial wars, religious wars, economic wars and 9.11 attacks has told us, for the last ten years, that a `new world disorder` has been created.
On this we can verify the significance of democracy and principle of market economy, again.
The kernel of every problem which the North regime is holding is that it has seceded from this general principal of mankind.
However, we pay attention that it is confined not only to the internal matter of the North but it can exert severe influence on the whole Korean Peninsula.
As Pacifists have pointed out collectively, the nation that keeps democracy and market economy is not warlike, on the contrary, the nation that has dictatorship and connected with dictatorship is warlike.
On this historical fact, it is desirable to understand the prediction that real peace unification of Korean Peninsula can be achieved when democracy and principal of market economy operates at a high level in the North and the South, both.
On the very historic perception this paper has been paying attention to the reformation of the North`s democratization and market economy.
In the same principle, these major elections should reach to conclusion that democracy should be solid at a higher level and principal of market economy settle down at a higher level as well.
In order to be like that, as general theory on `stability of democracy` stresses, desirability of `anti- establishment social movement` should be emitted from the process of election.
Especially, with regards to these Presidential elections, firstly, big reformation on strategy of elections and vote which is based on regional domination (or leadership) should be carried out so that it can be a fair competition on the basis of policy and experience.
Secondly, previous conventions in which the President used to be elected under the shackles of `illegal electoral fund and compromise` that mobilized astronomical money and the aftereffects turned into national burden and misfortune for the President, should not be repeated.
Thirdly, the thought or behavior of getting votes by displaying public promises which has contents of violating or controlling the principle of market economy as one of strategy for election propaganda should be abandoned.
Fourthly, the major election should be based on democracy and the principle of the market economy and, through cooperation with international society which respects such principle, it should be an opportunity to prepare ultimate unification and secure peace in Korean Peninsula.
The newspaper that has settled down as national representative of main press overcoming each oppression and difficulties for 82 years, through people`s love and advice, pledges that it will inspect this major election so that big development for unification, prosperity and democracy of nation can be achieved.
And we will repay people by doing our best through faithful report and fair comment.