Posted March. 23, 2002 09:14,
Korea Employers Federation set up a guideline to prohibit the political activities of unionists in workshops in response to the unionist move for political power. Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and Federation of Korean Trade Unions immediately protest strongly against the guideline and requested for the withdrawal of it.
KEF revealed that it will distribute the `guideline for collective negotiation 2002` including detail countermeasures to the political activities of unions in advance of the local government election and the Presidential election.
KEP described in the guideline that “since the political activities of unions are allowed, it seems to be considered that every political activity of union could be justified. However, the political activities cannot be allowed without limitation to the degree that might affect the production activities.”
KEP emphasized in particular that `the political activities during the working hours cannot be accepted` and urged to prohibit the political activities of unions such as distribution of pamphlets and gatherings related to election.
In addition, KEP recommended its member companies to deprive the full time status and not to pay salaries when a full time unionist or a member of union runs for election.
The guideline also describes that unions must have approvals for the company when they post propaganda bills and companies should request to remove the leaflets or to enforce to remove them when they agitate class struggles or include part of discredits to anyone.
A KEP official said, “similar guideline was prepared once before the general election in 2000 but it is the first time that such a systematic guideline was provided.”
In response, Federation of Korean Trade Union released a statement denouncing “the KEP`s attempt to prohibit the political activities of unions that are guaranteed by law is to restrict the basic human rights by encouraging illegal activities in public.”
FKTU also announced to move for strong political activities by mobilizing all members to support the nomination of labor candidates or pro-labor candidates, strengthening the political activities in workshops, and strengthening the political activities in the areas of workshops.
KCTU also declared, “this guideline is in fact prohibiting any political activity of unionists in workshops. KCTU will ignore the guideline and continue to work on political education, rallies, distribution of propaganda bills, and fund raisings.”