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Internal and External Obstacles of 2nd Round Anti-Terrorism

Internal and External Obstacles of 2nd Round Anti-Terrorism

Posted March. 13, 2002 09:40,   


6 months after Sept. 11 attack, U.S. President George W Bush on the 11th declared to start 2nd round war against terrorism to mop up Al Qaeda and Taliban remnants, and urged nations to ally.

But Wall Street Journal reported that in and outside of America are the worries and criticisms on the mood of expansion of the war. U.S. Democratic Party is seriously worrying about the expansion of unceasing war, and European countries, long standing allies, are breaking away by saying that they would not join the attack on Iraq without clear evidence of its intervention on the terrorism. U.S. military strategy is criticized that it lacks goals and objects even to other countries where expansion of war is anticipated.

▽Stir on the expansion of war = Inside of America, Democratic Party along with other bodies are pressing the government to show the definite course of and the strategy to slip away from the war against terrorism.

Though Bush government is expanding the fighting line to Georgia, Philippines and Yemen after Afghanistan, these countries are utterly disorganized with military cliques, and the strategy of America is hard to understand.

Thomas Daschle majority leader of Senate Democratic Party said, ¡°frankly speaking, I have no sense of where to go. They are discussing the strategy to go to Yemen, and soon converting to Philippines, and then to another country. ¡° National defense strategists are criticizing that Bush government’s expansion of fighting line against terrorism is going to `expensive but endless war`.

▽ Afghan war ended?= U.S. failed in finding out Osama bin Laden, main target of Afghan war, and the `Operation Anaconda, ` launched on the eastern mountainous area, has no good results.

Lukewarm attitude of Pakistan government, the closest ally for Afghan war, is teasing U.S. U.S. thinks that it is due to the uncooperative Pakistani intelligence agencies, which have been related with Islamic extremists for a long time.

▽ Barriers in Asian areas = U.S. has difficulties in fighting in some Asian countries, where extreme Islamic organizations, which have been related with Al Qaeda, are existing.

Grasping that `Abu Sayyaf, ` Islamic guerrillas in Basilan island of southern Philippine, provided war funds to Al Qaeda, U.S. began operations with dispatching 100 to 200 troops to Basilan Island. But operations are not going well due to the Filipino military’s incapability in conducting war, and anti-terrorism is degenerated as Filipino government demanded to make use of U.S. troops in wiping out domestic nuisance `Moro Islamic Liberation Front`.

In Indonesia, with conflicts between President Megawati Sukarnoputri, cooperative to U.S., and uncooperative military circles, U.S. has difficulties in conducting operations. Moreover, the congress is resisting U.S. government’s trial to raise military support to persuade the military circles.
