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[Editorial] Is This Political Reorganization of Government Again?

[Editorial] Is This Political Reorganization of Government Again?

Posted March. 04, 2002 10:02,   


Is this political reorganization of government, again?

We should observe more whether Ms. Park Geun Hye, who withdrew from Grand National party on last 28th, is the `main person` of reforming politics, or just setting fire to it.

By the way, we don`t have to ponder reorganization of politics as negative.

If we see research results of several countries, we can see that most people desire reforming politics.

However, reforming politics which people desire must see advent of new political power that can give hope to the future of a country.

Its character is essentially different from `artificial political reforming in region` among some politicians and parties.

Now we can`t help ignoring the movement of political reforming `after Ms. Park Geun Hye withdrew from GNP`.

Political reorganization which noise current politics world is divided into `the third dedication opinion by solidarity of anti-Chang` and `dedication from Yeong Nam opinion`.

`Solidarity of anti-Chang` means that let those who object chief Lee Hoi Chang in GNP join, and `candidate from Yeong Nam opinion` is as its words shows that it can win in year end major elections only by choosing somebody from Yeong Nam as candidate.

Member Jeong Gyun Hwan, chairman of Jungdo reformation forum, which is the biggest group in NMDP, is repeatedly expressing their intention for promoting political reformation.

As his resistance is that NMDP can be ruling party again only by political reformation, therefore, it is close to `solidarity of anti-Chang`.

In particular, as Jung Do reformation forum is in fact known as `the bodyguards to DJ`, it caused doubt that intention of core-class of power might be included.

`Candidate from Yeongnam` is that Kim Yun Hwan, chief of Minguk party, has been resisting that `candidate Park Geun Hye` is a strong candidate.

After all, no matter how they make an excuse, current reforming politics can`t avoid even 1 inch from `artificial political reorganization`.

People do not like such reformation of politics.