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``US Capitol Hill – NBC Anthrax Powdered Letter Connected``

``US Capitol Hill – NBC Anthrax Powdered Letter Connected``

Posted October. 18, 2001 09:30,   


The recent series of anthrax infections in the US through powdered mail spread the virus in New York, Washington DC, and Florida. The mailings appear to be connected and the possibility that they may be a part of biological terrorism is growing. On October 16, the FBI announced that there is a connection between the powdered mail delivered to Majority leader, Tom Daschle`s office and NBC news announcer, Tom Brokaw.

Both letters have a New Jersey, Trenton return address and the writing appears to belong to the same person. There are reports that both letters have the same expressions which state, `Death to America`, `Great is Allah`.

On October 17, the New York Times also reported that the letter sent to Senator Tom Daschle and the letter to the tabloid `The Sun` headquarters in Florida which eventually led to head of photography department, Robert Stephens, share similarities.

Because the anthrax virus spread through the letter to Senator Daschle was pure and highly concentrated, there is suspicion that it may have been produced in a country with the capacity to produce advanced biological weapons.

The case in Florida showed resistance to the vaccine and displays signs of artificial construction.

Richard Sputchle, who led the UN`s weapons inspection team to Iraq, said ``When we look at the Florida case, the suspicion grows that the case may have been ordered by a foreign government.`` and showed the size of the anthrax spore taken from the strand found in Florida.

Han Ki-Heung eligius@donga.com