Posted October. 14, 2001 08:54,
In the midst of spreading fears on the bio-terrorism on the U.S., a domestic medical doctor identified the role of protein to make toxic materials in bacteria.
Prof. Choi Hyun-Il (photo) of the Institute on Vibrio Septicemia, Medical School, Chonnam University said yesterday, ``It is identified through the study on Escherichia coli, that the `switch protein (CRP)` normally produces the toxic material, but rather restrains from the creation of toxic material under the certain circumstance.``
The discovery of Prof. Choi reversed the accepted theory that CRP and CytR was separate. This study result was presented in an article titled as `Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the Control of Gene Emergence`, in the recent issue of `EMBO`, the world best molecular biology journal.
Prof. Choi said, ``Thus far, the antibiotic material has been developed to block the toxicity from nurturing, but this study enables the prevention of the creation of toxic material through controlling the operation of CRP. Currently, there is no cure on Vibrio Septicemia and skin anthrax, but the antibiotic medicine can be manufactured based on the operation of CRP.``
Prof. Choi has measured the quantity of toxic material emitting from the mix of genetically adjusted protein such as CRP, CytR, and polymerized ferment by Radioactive Isotope for a year.