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Press Revenue Investigation Causing Social Division

Posted August. 09, 2001 08:40,   


Johann P. Fritz, Director of International Press Institute (IPI), wrote a letter regarding the press revenue investigation and prosecution affairs to President Kim Tae-Jung publicly, saying, ``We are worried about the social division in Korea, which was caused by the so called `Press Reform`.`` ``To suppress the current situation, we expect President Kim to play a `wise` role.``

He claimed, ``Korean Government appears to deal with this matter too emotionally. While Labor Unions, some presses, and citizen groups insisted on `Press Reform`, they used too aggressive slogans so that the international society would be convinced.``

In the publicized letter, he said, ``Even before the final decision has been made by law, the confinements of the concerned parties have already been executed. To arrest those related people before any legal evaluation on the tax investigation is as same as the social ostracization of an individual. Considering various circumstances, President Kim may not achieve the political goals he might have pursued through this `Press Reform`.``

He also expressed his willingness to be an arbitrator in order to solve this situation, along with UNESCO etc. Meanwhile, on May 16, the IPI sent a publicized letter to President Kim, saying that the `Press Reform’ by the government is unfair.

Lee Seung-Heon ddr@donga.com