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``Government Is To Execute This Year`s Budget Without Sparing A Penny``

``Government Is To Execute This Year`s Budget Without Sparing A Penny``

Posted August. 06, 2001 09:52,   


The government and the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) decided to push for a plan to spend this year`s budget without sparing a penny to stimulate the economy. However, they decided not to consider the fund raising by issuing the national and public bonds and the expansion of the amount of budget.

Kang Wun-Tae, MDP chair of Policy Coordination Committee II, said on Sunday that his party plans to see that all the leftover budget funds, usually handed over for the use of the following fiscal year, will be spent in its maximum amount within this year to stimulate economy. ``The annual leftover budget funds are 7-8 trillion won on average, and 10 trillion won at maximum. Although it is highly possible that there will be the surplus budget funds this year, the government and the ruling party agreed to spend the whole budget this year,`` said Kang. He also added that the government-ruling party will encourage the state-run companies, the Korea Electric Power Corporation, the Korea Land Corporation, and Korea Housing Corporation to execute the budget as they originally planned. However, Kang said, ``The government-ruling party are not considering issuing the national and public funds, or drawing funds from elsewhere.``

Yoon Young-Chan yyc11@donga.com