Quoting Powell, the U.S minister of State Affairs, Sydney Morning Heralds reported on 30th that the National Missile Defense System by U.S aims at countries with massive arms such as North Korea. Powell who is visiting Canberra (Australia) said that M.D does not aim at China and Russia but at the countries who tries to hold massive arms. He said, ``It would be naïve of me if I don’t think of North Korea and Iraq that has a high possibility to have Missile and massive arms. The threaten is visible now. It is now to respond to the threat.`` Powell also added that `` the limited operation of MD system will be dealt with a great caution.``
Powell also spoke about the violation of ABM that is stirring a hot debate now days. `` It is desirable to change the treaty made 30 years ago into a new system that reduces offensive arms and provides a limited defensive system.``