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Little Angel Helps Friend Suffering Crebral Infantile Paralysis

Little Angel Helps Friend Suffering Crebral Infantile Paralysis

Posted May. 04, 2001 10:28,   


Kim Keum-sun, 4th grader of Yong-am elementary school in Chongju, North Chungchong, is called `little angel` by her neighbors. She is only ten years old. However, as if she were a mother or a sister, has helped her friend, Hong Seung-bong (11), who is suffering cerebral infantile paralysis since she was a 1st grader. Becoming a classmate of Hong in 1998, she helped him of cleaning his watery face with her handkerchief. Afterward she became Hong`s `shadow.`

Around 8:30 every morning, she stops by her friend Hong`s house. Its only about 100 meter journey but they hardly arrive at school on time because Hong has difficulty of moving properly.

During the breaks, Kim helps Hong to prepare the next class by setting textbooks, notebooks and stationaries on the table and also teaches Hong how to add and subtract. They go to the restroom together. Like a sister and brother, they walk hand in hand and Kim always carries a handkerchief in her hand.

At a lunch time, she serves him before she dive in her own lunch. She goes to get Hong`s lunch, prepare to eat and finally help him to eat. Only after Hong finished his lunch and she clean all the rubbages on the table, Kim`s lunch time begins. She is exempted from cleaning duty at school for she has to help Hong to go back home.

Kim is always smiling but her face become scarry when anyone is redicule her friend.

Kim Young-sun, her class teacher (47), said, `Keum-sun volunteered to be a classmate of Hong. Because she thought if she is not with him he would be in trouble.` `In fact, when I met Hong at first, I myself was at a loss how to deal with him. The love and concerns of Keum-sun is really amazing,` the teacher added.

Ahn Keum-ja, Kim`s mother, said that she was at first reluctanct for her daughter to help Hong even though she knew it is a good conduct. `But now we all are friends with even Seung-bong`s parents and understand the situation of the handicapped much better.

Kim recently received a prize for good conduct by the superintendent of education of the North Chungchong. Kim said that she would like to be a teacher for the handicapped in the future.

Jee Myung-Hun mhjee@donga.com