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Baek Ji-Young sex video appears on Japanese Web site

Posted January. 26, 2001 18:30,   


The controversial sex video of top Korean singer Baek Ji-Young is available on a Japanese Internet site.

The site, ``Odagara Tougagurabu,¡¯¡¯ run by the Japanese adult weekly, ``Odagara Scoop,¡¯¡¯ began offering the controversial video of Baek along with related news stories on Jan. 17.

The site, which posts hidden-camera images of women who look like famous entertainers, features the music video for Baek's song ``Sad Salsa,¡¯¡¯ and free short excerpts from the sex video. The site charges a fee for viewing the complete video.

The Web site also reported in an article titled ``Follow-up Report! Great Information¡¯¡¯ that Baek¡¯s video shocked the Korean entertainment world and that and Japan¡¯s TBS ``News 23¡¯¡¯ and Times¡¯ Asian edition played up the scandal on their broadcasts.

Hwang Tae-Hun beetlez@donga.com