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Y.H. Suh: MDP to be tough on irregularities for cleaner politics

Y.H. Suh: MDP to be tough on irregularities for cleaner politics

Posted November. 10, 2000 14:30,   


"A higher degree of inspection for the public officials will be carried out with stricter measures against individuals found to have a measure of irregularities regardless of their status, and all immunities and special privileges will be fundamentally wiped out," Millennium Democratic Party(MDP) Chairman Suh Young-Hoon announced on Fridat.

¡°About one trillion won will be allocated in the next three years for the construction of 50,000 public rental houses, the yearly increase of long-term investors for viable institutions such as financial, investment and insurance institutions will be promoted,¡± the ruling party¡¯s chairman said. ¡°The speculative investment in up-and-coming companies will be discouraged with greater incentive provided for long-term stock holders."

Chairman Suh made the speech during the National Assembly session in his capacity as chairman of the negotiation body. Concerning the Dongbang Mutual Savings and Financial Company scandal, he said, "I would like to apologize to the Korean people for the corruption of certain members of the Financial Supervisory Service." He added, that through the revision of the civil servant ethical laws and the enactment of the anti-corruption legislation, we will effect a greater degree of ethical behavior and responsibility for the leadership of the Korean society.

As to economic reforms, he said, "As a resolution to the nonviable companies, only those with sincere efforts through such means as sell-off of personal assets will be resuscitated with greater accountability placed on the management for corporate insolvency. On top of this, a system of business restructuring will be devised.

"The current difficulties faced by Korea resulted from insufficient reforms."

He further revealed, "The renewed pledge by the economic establishment, which had suffered moral laxity, will be urged and the reform approved by the people will be pursued. To improve efficiency in managing the public funds, I would like to propose the establishment of its management commission within the National Assembly."

In connection with the government's North Korean policy, Chairman Suh said, "The MDP and the government will discuss the possibility of rewriting the armistice to a peace accord with South and North Korea being the core constituents."

He further said, "We will not be rushed but follow a path shared by the hopes of the South Korean people."

With regard to the introduction of a bill to impeach the public prosecutor-general, he said, "Setting aside the issue of the impartiality of the investigation of election campaigning, the government and the ruling party must re-evaluate and apologize to the Korean people for not adhering strictly to the election laws. The motion for the impeachment conflicts with the Constitution and is unlawful; as such, the passage of the motion could lead to fprmidable national chaos. Accordingly, it is our hope that the motion for impeachment be withdrawn.

On the economy, Suh said, "To overcome the current economic crisis, I suggest the suprapartisan efforts be made and that such unnecessary contentions including mud-slinging be set aside."