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President gets flood of meeting requests

Posted October. 16, 2000 15:07,   


The birth of a star just prior to the third Asia-Europe Meeting looks as though it will bring greater focus and interest to the meeting. While some had expressed a lack of interest due to the United States¡¯ and Russia's absence at the meetings, the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the chairman of the ASEM in Seoul will no doubt bring the interest back.

Encouraged by the turn of events, those in charge of planning and managing the meeting agreed that ASEM, which is one of the greatest meetings of leaders, might also become one great celebration of congratulations to President Kim for having received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Many predict the topic of conversation between many of the attending leaders might be President Kim¡¯s Nobel Prize. Many in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are of the opinion that President Kim's Nobel Prize would be mentioned without fail at the three planned meetings of the leaders, as well as various banquets and meals, both official and non-official.

As such, the burden of responsibility on Kim as chairman might be greater. The press conference scheduled for Oct. 21, soon after the ASEM, might again draw much attention and focus from the world. With so much focus and interest, the Seoul Declaration for Peace in the Peninsula, which reflects the ASEM's support for the June 15 Inter-Korean Joint Declaration, might be adopted.

President Kim, who has become an overnight sensation, also might become even busier. Prior to the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize winner, President Kim had planned to meet with four or five heads of state. The number now has increased to 10 confirmed meetings with heads of state such as the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain.

Since the announcement, requests for meetings have been non-ending, and President Kim has added 14 more meetings and is considering more.

It also looks as though media interest might greatly increase.

"Although the deadline for registering as reporters for the ASEM has passed, we expect more reporters to apply following the news of President Kim's Nobel Prize," ASEM Support Department manager Park Yong-Kyu said. "The media interest and coverage for the Seoul ASEM might surpass the coverage for the June inter-Korean Meeting.¡±

Moon Chul fullmoon@donga.com