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Threats by NK`s Conventional Weapon Shall Be Resolved through Inter-Korean Dialogue

Threats by NK`s Conventional Weapon Shall Be Resolved through Inter-Korean Dialogue

Posted February. 20, 2002 09:26,   


President Kim Dae-Jung and George W. Bush are expected to agree on that the North`s conventional weapons are threatening the world peace as well as the peace of the Korean Peninsula at the Korea-U.S. summit and to declare for the joint effort to resolve this problem.

The two leaders will reportedly consented to resolve the problem of the NK`s conventional weapons through Inter-Korean dialogue in the close cooperation with Korean and the U.S. since the issues is related with the security of Korean citizens, ROK Armed Forces, and the U.S. Armed Forces in Korea, and if necessary, the North and the U.S. may discuss the issue as well.

A high ranking official of the government said that "President Kim will emphasize that Korean government has pointed out the necessity of the resolution of the North`s weapons of mass destruction. However, the two leaders will emphasize the peaceful resolution of this issue through dialogues."

He added, "the so-called `division of role` that the U.S. deals with the NK`s WMD and Korea with conventional weapons cannot be sustained. Both Koreas will take initiative in resolving the problem of the conventional weapons but we cannot but escape from allowing the participation of the U.S. in this discussion."

Park Sun-Sook, the spokesperson of Cheong Wa Dae, explained that "President Kim Dae-Jung fully understand the will of Korean citizens for the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula and will deliver such public opinion to U.S. President Bush."

Presidents Kim and Bush will have exclusive and expanded summit talks on 20th and visit the Dorasan Station, the northern-most station to the North of the Kyong-Ui Railroad and strongly urge Kim Jong-Il, the Chairperson of Defense Commission, to come to the dialogue table.

Particularly, President Bush will reiterate his previous position that the U.S. will talk with the North whenever and wherever the North wants without having a pre-condition.

U.S. President Bush began his official visit to Korea for 2 days by arriving at Seoul Airport in Sungnam, Kyonggi, yesterday.

Meanwhile, Cheong Wa Dae expressed its worries about the anti-American movements such as the illegal occupation of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce & Industry by the members of Hanchongryun (the Korean Federation of Student Unions), saying that "it is regretful that such incidents occurred in advance of the President`s visit of an allied nation."
