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‘#TrumpisWeird’ spreads across social media

Posted July. 30, 2024 07:48,   

Updated July. 30, 2024 07:48


As U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, who almost definitely will become the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, is gaining more and more support, social media posts with the hashtag #TrumpisWeird targeting Donald Trump, the presidential candidate of the Republican Party, are spreading rapidly. As President Joe Biden, who was under criticism for his old age, stepped down as a candidate, Democratic supporters are turning the same criticism to 78-year-old Trump by sharing videos of him rambling or making mistakes.

According to X’s hashtag ranking on Sunday, #TrumpisWeird was the 11th most-used hashtag in the U.S. The hashtag was first used during the 2016 presidential election, which Trump won. As Governor of Minnesota Tim Walz, who is mentioned as a potential running mate of Vice President Harris, called Trump and his running mate J.D. Vance ‘weird’ on MSNBC on Wednesday, the hashtag is garnering renewed attention. The vice president also agreed with the comment by saying that Trump relies on lies about her career during an event for supporters on Thursday.

One of the reasons why Democrats use the hashtag to criticize Trump is President Biden’s decision to drop out of the race. As the president, who was questioned for his decreased cognitive function with frequent verbal slips, stepped down, heavy criticism on Trump, who is about similar age as the president, is possible for his mistakes or inappropriate remarks.

Some say that Democrats are coming down hard on Trump as he appointed Vance who demeaned women without children and made discriminatory remarks about black women as his running mate. “Vance has done something more extreme, more weird, more erratic,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on CBS on Sunday. “The choice may be one of the best things he [Trump] ever did for Democrats.”

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