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Europe bolsters security amid Trump's remarks encouraging Russian aggression

Europe bolsters security amid Trump's remarks encouraging Russian aggression

Posted February. 14, 2024 07:54,   

Updated February. 14, 2024 07:54


As former U.S. President Donald Trump rejects NATO's collective defense principle, claiming member states benefit unfairly, the European countries are doubling efforts to strengthen regional security efforts. Regional leaders are collaborating to enhance defense capabilities, notably by revitalizing the Weimar Triangle - an alliance established between France, Germany, and Poland after the Soviet Union's dissolution.

On Monday, the Foreign Ministers of Germany, France, and Poland held an emergency meeting near Paris, where they discussed the revival of the Weimar Triangle, a military cooperation body. The Weimar Triangle is an informal coalition formed in 1991 to integrate Poland into the West following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Amid Trump's suggestion of a U.S. NATO withdrawal, the three nations contemplate resurrecting this historical alliance previously relegated to history books.

Some experts argue that Europe should develop its own nuclear deterrent umbrella amid increasing concerns about the potential withdrawal of the United States from NATO if Trump is reelected in November. French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné emphasized in an interview with a local media outlet the importance of Europe being prepared for all possible scenarios and asserting military strength to command equal respect.