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DUI offenders to face stiff penalties

Posted June. 29, 2023 07:57,   

Updated June. 29, 2023 07:57


Starting in July, motorists who cause a fatal accident while driving drunk or are found to be habitual drunk drivers will have their vehicles confiscated.

On Wednesday, the Supreme Public Prosecutors' Office and the National Police Agency announced joint measures to eradicate drunk driving. They include the confiscation of a vehicle if a drunk driving accident results in a fatality or multiple injuries or if a drunken hit-and-run is committed. A driver who has been caught for drunk driving two or more times causes an accident within five years, or a driver who has been caught for drunk driving three or more times gets caught for drunk driving within five years is also subject to vehicle confiscation.

If one is subject to vehicle forfeiture, the police will first apply for a warrant to seize his or her vehicle. The court will then issue a forfeiture ruling and transfer the vehicle to the national treasury. "The intention is to confiscate the vehicle, which is the tool of the crime, from the initial police investigation in cases of serious drunk driving accidents," a prosecution official said. "If a forfeiture ruling is not handed down to such a driver, we will respond sternly by appealing to a higher court.”

In addition, prosecutors and police have decided to, in principle, detain and investigate habitual drunk drivers and actively investigate cases in which a driver switches the driver when caught to avoid drunk driving penalties, or in which passengers allow the driver to drive drunk.

The measures announced on the day will be implemented from July 1. "If you are charged with a drunk driving-related offense, we will impose a stern sentence commensurate with the severity of the crime," a prosecutor also said. The prosecution and police plan to step up public relations activities to increase the awareness that ‘if you drive drunk, your car will be confiscated.’
