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U.S. First Lady Melania

Posted June. 20, 2018 07:17,   

Updated June. 20, 2018 07:17


U.S. first lady Melania Trump announced a statement that criticizes the policy of separating children from their parents’ from President Donald Trump’s anti-immigration policy. This tough approach policy means adults who try and cross the border with minors illegally will face punishment and the children will be locked up in detention centers. Recently, some 2,000 minors were separated from their parents during the recent six weeks, igniting fire over the human rights issue of minors. Through her spokeswoman, Melania stated, “We need to be a country that follows all laws, but also one that governs with heart.” The bitter comments by the “No.1 supporter” of Mr. Trump immediately supported the public opinion of criticism.

Melania also hit back at his omnipotent husband last month. When announcing her campaign for children “Be Best.,” she went over manner issues in social media saying that “it is our responsibility as adults to educate and remind children that when they are using their voices – whether verbally or online – they must choose their words wisely and speak with respect and compassion.” This may be directly applied to President Trump’s “swamp of Twitter.” According to The Washington Post, the only person who will be left intact after criticizing President Trump to his face is Melania.

Even in the United States, where activities of the first lady is rather free, she is requested to “stay quiet” from time to time. This is because the adviser to the president makes direct advices at risk of his or her job. It may be the very reason for the existence of the first lady to keep the president in balance when nobody dares to say “No.”