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6 finalists vie for title in 8th Seoul Int`l Music Competition

6 finalists vie for title in 8th Seoul Int`l Music Competition

Posted April. 28, 2012 05:15,   


At the practice room of the Korean Symphony Orchestra in the Seoul Arts Center on Friday, He Chang, 25, a Chinese violinist from the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, was playing Sibelius` Violin Concerto in D minor beside conductor Chung Chi-yong. He was practicing for her final round in the eighth Seoul International Music Competition sponsored by LG. Behind the orchestra, the violinist`s mother was all ears with a nervous look.

Of the 32 contestants from 13 countries in the competition, which opened April 18, 23 made it to the second round and 12 to the semi-finals. Six finalists from five countries advanced to the final round. He and five others will compete in the final at the Seoul Arts Center Saturday and Sunday.

Pavel Milyukov of Russia said, “I was so nervous in the semi-final round but tried to concentrate only on music while I was playing on stage.” Zhu Lifan of China said, “I`m extremely nervous,” adding, “Though I`m trembling in my first concert with an orchestra, my mind is full of determination to learn as much as possible in this great opportunity.”

Mori Fumika of Japan said, “I rehearsed with the orchestra in the morning. The conductor and members were so warm and friendly to me that I could finish my performance comfortably.” Lee Ji-yoon of Korea, who finished second and won a special prize in the Pablo Sarasate International Violin Competition in Spain last year, said, “I hope that the audience share the feeling I have while playing and have a happy time.”

In the final round, He, Fumika and Lee plan to play a Sibelious violin concerto, while Hannah Choi of the U.S. and Zhu will play a Mendelssohn concerto and Milyukov a Shostakovich concerto. Choi said, “The Mendelssohn violin concerto feels like an opera as the movements are closely connected with each other. It`s one of my favorites because many of its parts are like singing.” He of China said, “This is my first chance at the final round of an international competition. I`d like to play a deep and mellow Sibelious violin concerto with the beautiful orchestra sound.”

The final round of the Seoul competition will be held at the concert hall of the Seoul Arts Center at 7 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday. Ticket prices range from 15,000 (13.23 U.S. dollars) to 30,000 won (26.46 dollars).
