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Tougher Justice Seen for Election Funding Violations

Posted February. 08, 2010 09:08,   


Prosecutors and judges are generally negative over the tripling of the fine standard to unseat lawmakers convicted of political funding violations.

Under the new regulation, a lawmaker who is fined three million won (2,562 U.S. dollars) for violating political funding limits will lose his or her seat, up from one million won (854 dollars).

Many legal experts say that if politicians ease the penalties for violations of election law, the government’s executive and legislative branches will have no choice but to seek tougher punishment.

The National Assembly’s special committee on political reform decided on the increase and will have floor leaders of the ruling Grand National Party and the main opposition Democratic Party make the final decision.

A prosecutor said yesterday that at a time when the prosecution is having difficulty unearthing illegal funds used by politicians because of their use of high cash denominations, politicians trying to soften punishment for violating political funding law will betray public expectations.
