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Energy Use by Buildings Faces 30 Pct. Cut by 2012

Posted November. 06, 2009 08:43,   


The Presidential Green Growth Council will give significant consideration to measures on cutting CO2 emissions up to four percent from the 2005 level.

Ministries yesterday also reported measures to cut such emissions in construction, transportation and industry to President Lee Myung-bak, but did not fully reflect the required budget or feasibility.

According to the suggestions, the annual energy consumption of new residential buildings in 2012 will be cut 30 percent (50 percent for energy used for air conditioning), and more than 60 percent by 2017.

To this end, a total annual energy use system will evaluate the amount of energy consumption when reviewing construction permits from next year. Insulation standards of windows and doors will be doubled by 2012.

Also from 2012, building owners must give energy consumption certificates showing the amount of annual energy consumption and CO2 emissions when selling or renting buildings. The certification system for environment-friendly buildings or energy efficiency will be expanded to cover both new and existing buildings from 2011.

In transportation, more areas of cities and highways will charge traffic congestion fees. Details on expansionary measures and the period will be discussed later.

The government will designate areas that have either produced a large amount of carbon dioxide or caused traffic jams as “green traffic countermeasures areas” and put them under stricter control. Congestion fees will be imposed on vehicles passing through relevant areas and green vehicles, including electric cars, will be allowed to move ahead of their conventional counterparts.

Ten comprehensive transfer centers nationwide will be set up by 2012 for a more organized connection and transfer system.

A new “energy target management system” will have businesses and large buildings that consume a lot of energy to set their energy consumption targets. Businesses with annual energy consumption of 500,000 TOE (the amount of energy released by burning one ton of oil) or more will be subject to the system from next year.

Also, the share of electricity coming from nuclear energy, which generates little carbon, will be raised to 41 percent by 2030. Accordingly, two or three spots will be picked to establish nuclear power plants by 2012.

Work on smart grid will start next year and be finished by 2030. A “flexible power rate system” will also allow consumers to choose their own pay plans from 2011.

aryssong@donga.com sys1201@donga.com sub