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‘Seizure of NK Containers Conducted Under UN Resolution’

‘Seizure of NK Containers Conducted Under UN Resolution’

Posted October. 09, 2009 07:41,   


Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Yu Myung-hwan yesterday called the seizure of four North Korean containers in Busan “part of measures to implement U.N Security Council Resolution 1874.”

In a regular news briefing at his ministry in Seoul, Yu said, “Related authorities will make an announcement sooner or later,” but declined to elaborate.

“I cannot disclose details since (the matter) is an intelligence issue and the investigation is underway.”

His comments confirmed reports that the seizure was part of South Korea’s participation in sanctions against North Korea in accordance with the resolution.

The resolution restricts the export and import of materials related to weapons of mass destruction to and from the North and imposes financial sanctions on Pyongyang.

On North Korean leader Kim Jong Il’s comment on a “conditional return to the six-way talks” to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Pyongyang, Yu said, “Since the North’s real intent remains unclear, consultations between the five parties are increasingly important.”

“The North is taking a conflicting stance by showing its intent to return to the negotiating table and continuing efforts to develop nuclear weapons,” he said. “It is the consensus among the five parties to take a two-track approach of pursuing both dialogue and sanctions.”
