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Minor Conservative Party’s No. 2 Man Bolts

Posted August. 31, 2009 07:33,   


Sim Dae-pyung, the No. 2 man of the minor conservative Liberty Forward Party, bolted yesterday apparently due to friction with party chairman Lee Hoi-chang over the Lee Myung-bak administration’s offer of the prime minister position.

With 18 seats in the National Assembly, the party could have formed a floor negotiating group by joining hands with the Creative Korea Party, which had two seats. A party must have 20 seats to form a floor negotiating group.

With Sim’s withdrawal, however, the Liberty Forward Party is apparently out of negotiating group activities. His secession from the party could also affect the local elections next year.

Sim told a news conference that he could no longer work with Lee Hoi-chang, saying the party leader’s “obstinate and self-righteous” style of leadership prompted him to leave. The party’s approval rate is less than two percent.

Sim also said he rejected the Lee administration’s offer of the prime minister post three times, adding he will continue to shun the post.

The Liberty Forward Party held an emergency meeting yesterday afternoon on Sim’s bolt. Party leader Lee expressed regret over Sim’s withdrawal, according to the party’s spokesman.

Party lawmakers plan to visit Sim at his office in Gongju, South Chungcheong Province, to persuade him to stay.
