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[Editorial] Kim Yu-na Shows Korea’s Power

Posted March. 30, 2009 09:27,   


Kim Yu-na has rewritten the history of world figure staking. Her performance moved all people irrespective of nationality and race who watched the World Figure Skating Championships. More than 30,000 spectators gave Kim unwavering applause and standing ovations as they watched her performances over two days at Staples Center in Los Angeles. Korean people viewed with excitement and awe her extraordinary skating skills on TV yesterday morning.

Kim’s performance was not a simple sport but the best dance show and art that a human can possibly stage on ice. She won the women’s title by breaking the 200-point barrier for the first time in the women’s competition with 207.71. Kim is also the first Korean skater to win a world title. Korea is truly proud of her.

The starlet’s victory is not just indicative of her own fame, but is a testament to the potential of the Korean people. Swimmer Park Tae-hwan, who won Korea’s first gold medal in swimming at last year’s Beijing Olympics, and Shin Ji-yai and other Korean female golfers have also demonstrated that Korea’s best can become the world’s best.

Being the world’s best does not happen by chance. Kim’s historic win is a result of her mother’s dedication, scientific sports management, and more than anything else, the skater’s painstaking efforts. To master jumping skills, she fell on her backside on ice more than 3,000 times a year.

On many occasions, Kim was unable to show all of her skills due to injury, and once considered quitting the sport after narrowly missing out on the world title. She refused to give up, however. Rather, she once again demonstrated being the world’s best can be achieved only through ceaseless efforts and fierce competition.

Kim’s victory on the world stage is a lesson in self-control and competition. Korea has generated a string of world-class performers especially in sports rather than in other areas because in sports, the most skilled player wins.

Kim has instilled a sense of pride and courage in the Korean people and companies, who are suffering amid the economic recession. Koreans hope she stays on top for a long time through ceaseless efforts toward self-management and control.