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Nationalistic Book Makes China`s Bestseller List

Posted March. 20, 2009 09:25,   


A new book fanning nationalism is a bestseller in China, with critics calling it “too extreme.”

The Hong Kong daily Wen Hui Bao said yesterday that since its March 1 release, the book “China Is Unhappy” ranks fifth on the new book sales list.

The book was co-authored by Song Qiang, who also collaborated on the 1996 bestseller "The China That Can Say No." "China Is Unhappy" says certain Western countries have “provoked” China by reporting on Tibet in ways unfavorable to China and have caused bloody unrest by fanning independence movements.

The book also says the disturbances in the Beijing Olympics torch relay over Tibet also displeased China and its people. It warns that in the process, Western countries marred their relations with young Chinese, which will be unfavorable to China but be far more so to the West.

The authors emphasize that being a model country is not enough for China, saying the country should manage and lead the world in a true sense.

The book also blasts the United States as an example not to follow, criticizing America for pushing the world into an economic crisis because of laziness and irresponsibility.

The Hong Kong paper said that while some Chinese believe the book presents a future vision for China’s leadership, others criticize it for reflecting extreme leftist views not representative of the opinions of all Chinese.
