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“Let’s End Candlelight Protests”

Posted July. 11, 2008 09:50,   


The Federation of Professional Economic-Person Societies, made up of some 250 vocational groups, such as accountants, restaurants and private academies, urged protestors to stop the prolonged street rallies at a press conference held Thursday at Korea Press Center in central Seoul.

“Low income earners, including small business owners in downtown Seoul, have been affected by the two-month-long candlelight rallies,” said a federation official. “Let us make a joint effort not to let candlelight protests drag down the efforts to revive the economy.”

A Christian NGO also issued a statement at its office in central Seoul. “The early candlelight vigils greatly contributed to society. However, it is now time to put an end to the rallies,” read the statement.

Ministers also said in the statement, “Coupled with (adverse) international circumstances, Korea is facing a crisis.” “The economy is severely hit by the skyrocketing prices of oil, grains and raw materials, and the ordinary people’s misery index is very high.”

They also argued that the government should abandon instigated, sentimental and populist politics and take on sound judgment and rationality. “Concerns that have not been resolved should be dealt by the government and the National Assembly.”

Some 9,101 Korean clergymen participated in the statement, including Rev. Cho Yong-gi of Yoido Full Gospel Church, Rev. Kim Sun-do of Kwanglim Church, Rev. Lee Soo-young of Saemoonan Presbyterian Church, Rev. Ha Yong-jo of Onnuri Community Church and Rev. Kim Sam-hwan of Myung Sung Presbyterian Church.
