Posted June. 25, 2008 07:13,
The Lee administration should not slow reform in favor of stabilization in forming the second presidential office. It should not change direction so easily simply because of public criticism over U.S. beef imports. The move could betray the peoples trust and expectation. It was inappropriate of new presidential chief of staff Chung Chung-kil to tell a meeting of senior presidential secretaries Sunday, Please distinguish what can be done from what cannot be done at a time when approval ratings are low. The comment can be interpreted that even the right policy should be postponed if controversial. Though Chung added that reform will continue, smart officials consider this a retreat from reform.
The administration has its own headaches. Given the chaotic environment caused by the candlelight protests, it might judge that it is strategically advantageous to control the pace and extent of reform. But this stop-gap measure cannot move the people and is also against the Zeitgeist that chose a new president by a landslide election victory in December last year. If the government is uncertain about reform, goals such as restoring rule of law, reviving the economy and advancing the nation will turn up nothing.
The government needs to reexamine its direction and goals by separating what needs to be done and not be done and implement what it needs to do. Of course, administrative power should not be excessively used to expand freedom in the private sector and market functions, but if plans consider achieving administrative goals and reflecting the public interest, the government should aggressively mediate and persuade stakeholders to address the issues and make it into policy.
The people know well about the difficulties of reform through past experience. When the Lee administration announced its plan to reform the public sector, regulations and education, the people praised its strong will to carry out what is needed without fail.
Over the past four months, however, the government has apparently done everything it could but due to lack of implementation and preparation, it has not completed a single project. This must fill the administration with regret, but if it moves backwards due to a backlash from some people, it will end up overwhelmed by it. Delaying reform to avoid pain can only pile up inefficiency and hamper the normal functioning of the economy.
The government must show a strong will on reform by setting and implementing policies. Defensive and status-quo management to avoid controversy will only deny the value of the governments existence.