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Clinton Determined Not to Drop Out of the Presidential Race

Clinton Determined Not to Drop Out of the Presidential Race

Posted April. 24, 2008 05:04,   


With Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama battling to be the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, Clinton recently beat her rival by a convincing 10-point win in the critical Pennsylvania primary on Tuesday.

Her victory keeps her campaign alive, enabling her to silence some party critics who have been demanding her drop out of the race. Clinton is expected to continue her campaign through the last day of the democratic primary on June 3 and go on to the Democratic National Convention, slated for Aug. 25.

Clinton, who won 54.7 percent of the votes, had 9.4 percentage points more than Obama’s 45.3 percent to take the Pennsylvania primary and its stake of 158 delegates. Out of the 158 pledged delegates in this region, Clinton is projected to win 84 to Obama’s 74.

MSNBC gave Obama 1,719 delegates over Clinton`s 1,588, well short of the 2,024 needed to clinch the nomination. The Associated Press` latest tally also finds Obama leading Clinton by more than 130 points with 1,705 to her 1,575.

This means that despite her victory in Pennsylvania, she lacks the number of delegates to turn the table in her favor. For this reason, some party members continue to demand that she quit the presidential race.

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