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U.S. Suggests Flexibility on N.K. Nuke Declaration

Posted April. 19, 2008 05:47,   


U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Thursday that the United States would lift its sanctions on North Korea when it believes that the North has actually declared its nuclear programs.

In a press conference over the issues surrounding North Korea and other international affairs, Rice added, “We still have a long way to go since the United States has put sanctions on North Korea based on legal principles, and because multilateral and bilateral sanctions would remain, even when the United States lifts its sanctions.”

When asked whether Washington has any intention to remove Pyongyang from the list of states sponsoring terrorism, Rice stressed, “We can make such a decision only when we can believe that North Korea has done its duties.”

But, Rice stressed that North Korea’s nuclear declaration is a continuous process and suggested possibilities to drop a part of sanctions on North Korea before completing the verification process. She also said, “The U.S. government will not judge the issue mechanically.”

She also emphasized, “North Korea should explain all of its nuclear programs including nuclear proliferation as well as plutonium and uranium enrichment programs.”

South Korea’s Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan, who is accompanying President Lee Myung-bak on his trip to the United States, said at a press conference on the same day, “If North Korea declares its nuclear programs to a satisfying level, the United States would consider whether to remove North Korea from its list of states sponsoring terrorism. It is possible for the United States to make a relevant decision before and after North Korea’s nuclear declaration.”

Yu added, “It would be better to resume the six-party talks next month, if possible.”

sechepa@donga.com swpark@donga.com