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“I’m Not in the Game Any More.”

Posted February. 23, 2008 05:30,   


“Once I step down as president, I can enjoy my freedom. From now, I won’t be in this game,” President Roh Moo-hyun said on Feb. 22.

Roh also said, “I will return to my hometown as an ordinary citizen...well a bit of a unique citizen.” In a farewell luncheon hosted by Presidential Chief of Staff Moon Jae-in at Chunchu Hall in Cheong Wa Dae.

Roh added, “The most difficult thing was to be on stage and paint my face with makeup. It’s a relief that I don’t have to do these things any more. The thing I look forward to the most is to watch news with more peace of mind.”

The president drank a mixed soju drink with reporters and the presidential press staff at the suggestion of the senior presidential secretary for public relations, Cheon Ho-seon.

Cheon said, “I always wanted the president and reporters to drink together. Today my wish came true.” When Roh prohibited his press staff from drinking with reporters after coming into office five years ago, it foreshadowed the president’s poor relations with the press.
