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Bush Urges Congress to Ratify KORUS FTA

Posted January. 30, 2008 03:29,   


U.S. President George W. Bush urged Congress to ratify the free trade agreement (FTA) between the United States and South Korea in his final State of the Union address delivered on January 28.

During the speech, Bush called on lawmakers to “approve the free trade pacts with Colombia, Panama and South Korea,” stressing, “Many products from these nations now enter America duty-free. Yet many of our products face steep tariffs in their markets. These agreements will level the playing field. They will give us better access to nearly 100 million customers.”

In a press release distributed prior to the address, the White House explained that the KORUS FTA is commercially most meaningful, and that its ratification will enhance the American competitiveness in the fast-changing Asian markets and strengthen the alliance between Washington and Seoul.

The Democrat-controlled U.S. Congress hinges the passage of the trade agreement on South Korea’s unconditional opening of the beef market and a renegotiation on the terms of the agreement concerning the American cars.

Bush also promised more supports for a peace deal between Israel and Palestine, for a democratic government in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon and for the people suffering from the dictatorship in Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Sudan and Cuba.

Concerning the Iranian nuclear program, which has caused an outcry from the global community, he warned, “Our message to the leaders of Iran is also clear. Verifiably suspend your nuclear enrichment so negotiations can begin. And to rejoin the community of nations, come clean about your nuclear intentions and past actions. Stop your oppression at home. Cease your support for terror abroad.”

Throughout his 53-minute address, Bush never mentioned North Korea. He has mentioned the North Korean nuclear issue or government system in each of his previous six addresses.
