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Two Korean Leaders Meet in Pyongyang

Posted October. 04, 2007 00:42,   


South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun will have two official talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il on issues of a peace settlement on the Korean peninsular and mutual economic cooperation on October 3, the second day of his three-day visit.

It is the second-ever summit between South and North Korean leaders after former president Kim Dae-jung flew to Pyongyang seven years ago.

It is reported that President Roh will have an official summit with Kim Jong Il on that day and they will exchange their thoughts about joint prosperity, a peace settlement on the peninsular, and inter-Korean economic cooperation.

It is expected that the two leaders may announce a joint agreement in a form of a peace declaration.

Roh traveled to Pyongyang via the Gaesong-Pyongyang highway and he was welcomed by the North Korean leader in front of the 4.25 Culture Hall in Pyongyang.

Before the welcoming event, Roh rode through downtown Pyongyang from the People’s Culture Palace to the cultural hall in an open limousine with North Korea`s No. 2 leader Kim Yong Nam.

President Roh said in Pyongyang, “South and North Korea should work together to make new, peaceful history without delay.”

Early Tuesday morning, Roh walked across the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) for the first time as a South Korean president.

When president Roh and First Lady Kwon Yang-sook walked across the line at 9:05 a.m., he said, “I will make every effort to bring peace and prosperity to the Korean Peninsula by breaking the wall that has divided Korea.”

President Roh said, “I cross this line as a president this time. After I come back, more and more people will cross the line, the line will gradually be erased, and the wall will fall.”
