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Roh Blasts Lee’s Real Estate Policy

Posted September. 18, 2007 03:17,   


President Roh Moo-hyun criticized the real estate policy of Lee Myung-bak, Grand National Party (GNP)’s presidential candidate, yesterday, saying, “it’s is so reckless.”

Roh gave the statement at the opening ceremony of the 4th Korea Regional Innovation Convention and Exposition held at COEX in response to Lee’s statement that, “We can solve all of Korea’s land problems if we increase the floor area ratio in the Seoul Metropolitan area.”

In an interview with Maeil Business Newspaper on September 17, Lee said, “Redevelopment and reconstruction and raising the floor area ratio in the capital are better solutions than creating new cities.”

Mr. Roh rebutted, “How can we solve regional problems by increasing the floor area ratio in the Metropolitan area? Is it really ok to give up on the development of provincial areas?”

The president indirectly criticized the election law, saying, “I should be careful about what I’m saying in the run-up to the presidential election. I feel uneasy about making speeches that are not in the script.”

In response, Na Gyeong-won, the GNP’s spokesperson, said in a briefing, “Lee mentioned the floor area ratio as one of many measures when he discussed problems with the development of new cities regarding stabilizing the housing market.” She pointed out “It isn’t logical at all that he blamed Lee by linking his statement to regional issues. Indeed, what the president said is reckless.”

She went on to say, “It is typical of the president to distort facts and attack a presidential candidate of the opposition party. He is violating the election law by intervening the presidential election.”

jin0619@donga.com ditto@donga.com