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National Intelligence Service Chief: “NLL Is Territorial Concept”

National Intelligence Service Chief: “NLL Is Territorial Concept”

Posted August. 14, 2007 07:13,   


National Intelligence Service chief Kim Man-bok said on August 13 that, “The Northern Limit Line (NLL) is a territorial concept,” at the Intelligence Committee’s general meeting in the National Assembly yesterday.

Kim’s remark is quiet opposite to unification minister Lee Jae-jeong’s, who said on August 10 at the Unification, Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee meeting held in the National Assembly that, “The NLL was drawn for security and to prevent military clashes, and it does not contain a territorial concept.”

However, regarding a question asking whether this issue will be on the agenda of the second South-North summit, the intelligence agency chief said, “I cannot say at this point.”

Meanwhile, due to the summit, the South Korean government decided to put off military training, including Hwarang maneuvers until after the summit is held. The maneuvers were scheduled to coincide with Ulchi Focus Lens (UFL).

Kim Hyeong-ki at the National Defense Ministry announced in a briefing that, “Coupled with UFL practices, we planned to operate corps-level training, including Hwarang and a field training exercise (FTX) for the first time, but we postponed it until September or October.”

Accordingly, UFL exercise between South Korea and the U.S. will go on as scheduled from August 20-31, but will be a computer-based war game exercise without any field activities.

The first contact for the second summit will be held in Gaesong on August 14.

Spokesman for the Unification Ministry Kim Nam-shik said, “As North Korea on August 14 suggested contact at the Janamsan Motel in Gaesong in preparation for the summit, we sent a correspondent to the North. The North will send three delegates, including Choi Sung Ryul, the vice minister of the United Front.