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Roh Defines North’s Nuclear Weapons as “Defensive”

Posted February. 28, 2007 06:53,   


On February 27, President Roh said, “How, when, and in what kind of situation would the North launch a nuclear attack on other countries? If North Korea attacks other countries with its nuclear weapons without being attacked first, it will mean that North Korea is insane.”

President Roh had a press conference with members of the Internet media to celebrate the fourth anniversary of his inauguration. This day he said, “The North is developing nuclear weapons in order to prevent other countries from threatening the North. It is very hard to think that the North’s nuclear weapons are made to attack others first”

President Roh’s remark shows that the president thinks the nuclear weapons of North Korea as a “means of negotiations.” This also shows the president is taking the nuclear weapons issue in an easygoing way. It is certain that there will be controversy over the president’s remarks.

The six-party talks, which were held February 13 in Beijing, succeeded in coming up with an agreement. After that, both Koreas are working on a summit meeting. President Roh said, “It is likely that a summit meeting between the North and South will be held. If the South has to make a remark on something, then it will try its best to hold a summit meeting. However, I don’t think it is the right time.”

Recently, Han Myeong-sook, the prime minister of Korea, has shown her intention to resign as well. Roh said, “This is the time to run a political cabinet and an administrative cabinet. I hope all the ministers will do their best regardless of their parties.” This remark showed that the president does not intend to make any changes in the cabinet except for the prime minister.

The opposition party has asked for a neutral cabinet recently. In response, President Roh said, “There is no such thing as neutral cabinet anywhere in the world. Why do you want that? This is nothing different from the legacy of the times, which is to tackle political matters by maneuvering. I have never heard of election fairness being violated because the administration was not neutralized since the Kim Dae-jung administration.”
