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Generation Next Holds Looks More Dear

Posted November. 06, 2006 03:00,   


“I am a precious man. I groom and prize myself.”

The advertising agency Daehong Communications recently published its “19-23 Generation Men’s Trend Report.” The agency wrote that the current trend in men ages 19-23 is “men who feel precious.”

From March to October, Daehong Communications surveyed the lifestyles of 6,000 men and women nationwide and conducted interviews on 400 men and women between 19 and 29 living in the Seoul area.

According to the report, 19-23 generation men, who have only recently graduated from high school, pay close attention to their looks and also spend big amounts on maintaining their appearance.

Almost half (50.2 percent) the men between ages 19 and 23 said they would receive plastic surgery to become more beautiful, while 50.5 percent said it is acceptable for men to wear makeup. The numbers are up from 34.8 percent and 35.7 percent surveyed four years ago.

These men spend heavily on their looks. Men between age 19 and 23 spend an average of 397,000 won on clothes and 67,000 won on cosmetics.

Meanwhile, men between age 24 and 29 spend an average of 505,000 won on clothes and 85,000 won on cosmetics. While 80 percent of men between age 19 and 23 are college students with no fixed income, they spend as much as the older men.

53.7 percent of men between age 19 and 23 surveyed even replied that they believe that the money spent on their looks is well spent.

In response to these results, Daehong Communications said that such results are due to 19-23 generation is from wealthier families and have more free time than the 24-29 generation.
