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Volleyball Players Train on the Track

Posted October. 04, 2006 07:08,   


Tall volleyball players train on the track for speed and endurance. The Inha University’s volleyball team’s unique training style is attracting attention.

The team has been sprinting on the track three times a week since June of last year. New coach Choi Cheon-sik, 41, introduced this drill with the assistance of a training specialist to help the players develop instantaneous reactionary ability and endurance.

The players sprint 50m, 70m, and 100m distances for a better instantaneous reactionary ability. Usually, they sprint five sets of each, a total of 15 sprints. Those who are too far behind their personal best records will have a hard time with the coach.

Endurance is improved by running for 20 minutes on the 400m track. The players usually run 13 or 14 laps: each of the first three laps in 1 minute 40 seconds, each of the next two laps in 1 minute 30 seconds, and the rest in 1 minute and 20 seconds. Considering marathoners run an endurance lap in 1 minute 10 seconds, it is very demanding for volleyball players.

Choi said, “When a volleyball game goes to the fifth set, players break down in many cases. The endurance training is good for cultivating mental fortitude as well as physical power.”

The players also weight train three times a week. They have developed their physical power through circuit training in which they have no break for one hour while doing 16 exercises at 10 to 20 seconds for each.

The effects of the special training were visible when Inha University won the championship match of the Fall Season League against its rival Kyonggi University after winning the Third College League last year and the Spring Season League this year. Their victory despite the fact the average height of the players is 3cm less (Kyonggi 196cm, Inha 193cm) is attributed to their steely physical power.
