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Constitutional Court Chief Vacancy?

Posted September. 14, 2006 06:57,   


Lee Byung-wan, the presidential chief of staff, apologized Wednesday to the public over the controversial nomination of the new Constitutional Court chief.

“Although Cheong Wa Dae has abided by the interpretation of the law and its operation, it somehow didn’t meet public expectation and couldn’t take care of some of the controversy over the process in the National Assembly,” Lee said. “We are truly sorry about this.”

However, the dispute over the nomination is likely to continue as the main opposition Grand National Party (GNP) remains unchanged in its position that Jeon Hyo-suk, the nominee, should voluntarily withdraw or President Roh Moo-hyun should withdraw his nomination of Jeon.

The confirmation process is forecasted to be delayed as the ruling Uri Party and three minor opposition parties have decided not to push forward with the confirmation bill, if the GNP boycott the plenary session slated for Thursday.

As the tenure of Yun Young-chul, outgoing chief of the Constitutional Court, ends Thursday, the position is likely to be vacant for the first in Korea’s history.

jkmas@donga.com sys1201@donga.com