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Kim Dae-jung’s Nephews: Election Foes?

Posted April. 04, 2006 02:59,   


Former president Kim Dae-jung’s nephews are drawing public attention as they are likely to compete with one another for the post of head of Shinan County, Kim’s hometown, in the May 31 local elections.

The ruling Uri Party’s South Jeolla Province Office nominated former secretary of the National Assembly Kim Su-young (46) as a candidate at a nomination committee meeting on March 31. Kim is the youngest of the two sons and three daughters of Kim Mae-wol (who died in 1980), Kim Dae-jung’s elder sister.

Born in Anjwa, Shinan County, Kim entered politics as a secretary of then National Assembly vice chairman Kim Young-bae in 1998 after serving for 22 years as a public servant for Shinan County and South Jeolla Province. Later, he worked as a secretary for a National Assembly chairman and a vice chairman.

Meanwhile, in the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP), seven candidates are vying for a nomination of the head of Shinan. Among them is Kim Kwan-sun (49), former vice chairman of Gwang-ju City Council. He is the second son among the three sons and one daughter of Kim Dae-bong (who died in 1971), Kim Dae-jung’s elder brother. Kim Kwan-sun worked as an elected official of the City Council for two terms, and as a campaign adviser for Han Hwa-gap, head of the MDP. Four years ago, during the Kim Dae-jung administration, he was to run for head of South District of Gwang-ju but had to abandon his plans due to opposition from Dae-jung supporters. The MDP’s nominee for Shinan County head will be announced on April 6 after a party poll.

Seung-Ho Jung shjung@donga.com