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North Gets 150,000 Tons of Fertilizer

Posted February. 23, 2006 03:07,   


The South Korean government announced yesterday that it would send 150,000 tons of fertilizer in time for spring to North Korea starting at the end of this month and continuing through April.

“A total of 59 billion won is needed to buy and ship complex and urea fertilizers to Pyongyang,” said Ko Gyeong-bin, the head of Social Culture Exchange Bureau of the South Korean Unification Ministry at the central government complex in Sejongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul, yesterday. “The South Korean government informed the North of its plan to send fertilizer in the name of the president of the Republic of Korea National Red Cross.”

The North asked for 450,000 tons of fertilizer, including 150,000 tons of fertilizers for spring farm works, earlier this month.

The South Korean government’s announcement seems timed to create a favorable atmosphere at the current inter-Korean Red Cross meeting and at an upcoming inter-Korean military official meeting.

Myoung-Gun Lee gun43@donga.com