Posted November. 12, 2005 08:44,
The 2005 Busan Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit that will be attended by a total of 10,000 figures, including 21 leaders and dignitaries from Asian and Pacific countries, will kick off on November 12.
The APEC is the worlds largest regional cooperation body that mainly aims at co-prosperity through open regionalism, the gradual establishment of the Asia-Pacific economic community, liberalization of trade in Asia-Pacific areas and economic technology cooperation.
This Busan APEC, with the theme challenges and changes for the community will reach its peak on November 18 and 19.
The first APEC summit slated for November 18 will discuss the Regional Trade Agreement (RTA), Free Trade Agreement (FTA), economic technology cooperation, and measures for resolving the growing gap between countries under the theme of progress of trade liberalization.
The second APEC summit on November 19 will mainly discuss cooperation activities against terrorism, co-measures for preventing pandemics, including avian influenza, and energy security, and anti-corruption measures under the theme of a safe and transparent Asia-Pacific region.