Posted August. 04, 2005 03:13,
"Just leave all your hard work behind and enjoy your vacation."
It would be fun to have a vacation after long, busy days at work with chocking schedule.
Korean women golfers, who have taken a great step up in the 2005 LPGA tour, are ranked in the upper tier and now finally have time to enjoy a two-week vacation until the Safeway Classic on August 19.
Jang Jeong, a 25-year-old Korean who won her first tournament in her six-year LPGA career with a major title, is busy with interviews and invitations to various events.
She appeared on three different TV programs on Tuesday and is expected to participate in various events held in the Daejeon area, her hometown, starting with an event at Yoosung Girl`s High School and a visit to Joongbu University, her alma maters.
She will not answer her phone this weekend when she visits Busan, a port city in southern Korea, to enjoy sashimi and the beautiful sea.
Han Hee-won of Fila Korea, who married Son Hyuk, a former baseball star, in December last year, went home to San Diego for the first time in eight weeks. She has not had time to go home because of her tight schedule, and she is happy to spend time with her husband.
Regarding envied looks from other golfers over her husband`s smothering attention, Han smiled, saying, "I will do some cooking, washing, and cleaning," adding that other golfers will desperately wish to marry because of their jealousy of her marriage.
Birdie Kim of KTF, a 24-year-old Korean sensation who won the U.S. Women Open this year, had a mole on her face removed in a clinic in New York and also received skin care. Considering her age, she should be sensitive of her appearance and besides, a monk advised her to remove the birthmark.
Lee Mee-na (24), who won her first U.S. tour victory in her career in the Canadian Womens Open, is visiting her home in Jeonju and enjoying traditional Korean cuisine and seasoned sea crab.
For players whose performances were not good enough, there is no time to rest.
Grace Park of Nike Golf arrived in Korea on August 1, but left for Japan yesterday to participate in the Crystal Geyser Womens Open which will be held on August 5th, accepting a special invitation from the competition.
Park Se-ri, after dropping out of British Women Open when she injured her finger, returned home to Orlando, Florida, to rehabilitate. She has been having a hard time since the swelling does not appear to subside.
Ahn Shi-hyun of Kolon Elord, the Rookie of the Year in 2004, rejected her mother`s invitation to Korea and engaged in a training session in Temecula, U.S., and Kim Mi-hyun of KTF is treating her neck pain and also continuing to practice putting.